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Cost Comparison: Bottled Water vs Water Filtration Crock

David Smyth

Updated: Nov 18, 2022

Do you grab a case of bottled water during your grocery run, or perhaps a quick bottle from the gas station? It might seem like a dollar here, a dollar there, but it adds up to a lot of money in the course of a year.

Consider the following:

  1. The majority of bottled water sold in the US are one dollar, 16.9oz bottles. This averages out to $7.57/gallon, or 2000 times the cost of tap water.

  2. If we follow the rule of thumb of drinking 8 glasses of water a day, this amounts to half a gallon per person, or $3.79 per person per day.

  3. Over the course of a year, this amounts to $1383 per person per year. A family of four would consume $5533 worth of bottled water!

Let’s say you’re a savvy consumer, buying in bulk, and pay closer to the average, which is $1.22/gallon.

  1. If we follow the rule of thumb of drinking 8 glasses of water a day, this amounts to half a gallon per person, or $.61 per person per day, or $222.65 per person per year.

  2. This amounts to 300 times the cost of tap water

  3. A family of four would consume $890 worth of bottled water!

Let’s compare this to the Smyth/Cid Water Filtration System, which can handle the drinking water usage of a family of 4.

  1. The initial cost of the Smyth/Cid Water Filtration System is $395.

  2. Our gravity-fed filters are designed to last one year regular use. and cost $37.50 to replace.

  3. The average cost of tap water is $.004 per gallon, or 73 cents per person per year!

  4. The first year cost of the Smyth/Cid Water Filtration system for one person is $1.09 a day, or $400.

  5. After the first year, the cost for one person is only the price of a replacement filter and the price of tap water, totaling $38/year. The cost for a family of four is only around $40/year!


While the up-front cost of the Smyth/Cid water filtration system is higher, the long-term costs compared to bottled water is much lower. Compare $575-$890/year for bottled water for a family of four, compared to $400 for the first year and about $40/year after that.Water Source1 Year Cost for 1 Person1 Year Cost for Family of 4$1 16.9oz Bottles$1383$5533Economy Pack Water Bottles$222$890Smyth/Cid Filtration with Stoneware Bottles: 1st Year$400$400Smyth/Cid Filtration with Stoneware Bottles: After 1st Year$40$40

Need more reasons to ditch bottled water? Find out the environmental impact of the bottled water industry.


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